
Jordan Jack Turner is a renowned health and fitness coach, breathwork practitioner, and industry trailblazer. With over 13 years in a range of modalities and a passion ignited from a young age. Jordan has dedicated his life to empowering others and guiding them toward happier, healthier lives.

From an early age, Jordan’s enthusiasm for health and coaching was unmistakable. At just 13 years old, he began training before and after school, delving into the world of fitness and exploring breathing techniques and mindfulness through books and mentors. Even then, Jordan was eager to share his newfound knowledge with those around him.

At 15, Jordan found solace and discipline in boxing, which became a powerful outlet during a challenging period when he unexpectedly lost his father. Through boxing, he honed his skills and learned valuable lessons in resilience, focus, and overcoming adversity. Driven by his passion for coaching and helping others, Jordan embarked on a path in the fitness industry at 16. By 18, he was fully qualified and had established his own coaching business, quickly becoming highly sought after due to his dedication and ability to connect with clients. 

As his coaching journey progressed, Jordan recognized the importance of integrating the mind, body, and emotions to achieve true well-being. He deepened his understanding of these interconnected elements and their contribution to overall health through mentors, courses, personal study, and exploration. During his journey Jordan also consulted for gym franchises, studios and worked with various organisations and brands enriching his perspective and expanding his horizons. His commitment to personal growth and pushing boundaries saw him completing various challenges and activities ranging from ultra-marathons to 10 days of pure silence and meditation on a Vipassana course. Gaining profound insights into the mental and physical challenges of pushing oneself to the limit.

As Jordan puts it, “Enough about me; coaching is not about me, me, me. It’s about you! In my role as a coach, I am nothing more than a Sat Nav/GPS. It’s you that’s in the driver’s seat.”
With Jordan as your coach, you can be assured of personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs and goals. His journey has shaped him into a compassionate and relatable coach, dedicated to helping you connect with your essence and create a life of balance, vitality, and fulfillment. From CEOs to celebrities, corporate businesses to individuals from all walks of life, Jordan has worked with a diverse range of clients worldwide. He understands that everyone has unique goals and challenges.

What sets Jordan apart is his ability to connect with people on a personal level. He genuinely cares about his clients and approaches every session with dedication and a heartfelt commitment to their success. It’s not just about physical results; it’s about creating a meaningful and impactful experience.

Whether you’re a busy executive or someone starting their wellness journey, Jordan will meet you where you are and guide you with compassion and expertise. He believes in your potential and will help you achieve extraordinary transformations, both inside and out. With Jordan by your side, you can trust that each session will be filled with meaning, connection, and a genuine desire to see you thrive. Driven by a deep calling to spread the gift of true health and see his clients blossom, Jordan goes beyond physical transformation. He believes in the power of a balanced, holistic approach that encompasses mental clarity, emotional well-being, and a profound connection with one’s inner coach. Drawing from his extensive exploration in breathwork, meditation techniques, and mindful practices, Jordan offers a unique and well-rounded coaching experience.

If you’re ready to take your health and fitness to the next level and experience Jordan’s coaching firsthand, book a discovery call now. Jordan Jack Turner not only has the knowledge and skills but also the heart and passion to guide you towards a fitter, healthier, and more vibrant you.

What Jordan's Clients Say


I am fitter, healthier and , more thoughtful about my family and, much to my surprise, more confident in myself. My blood pressure is now normal, my resting heart rate is excellent for a person of my age and my flexibility has increased substantially.

Jordan was never intrusive but instead he created a process and an environment that allowed me to experiment and  to face some truths about my motivation and ultimate goals in life.

Fintan Donohue OBE


I never thought I could be this mentally strong and feel so positive. I love my life and most importantly I have learned to love myself. So much has changed and it will continue to do so, I love the fact there are now so many possibilities for me. It is great to just be in the present and appreciate all that I have. I feel so blessed and will be eternally grateful for what Jordan has taught me.”

Kaely Saunders


In the past 20 weeks you have changed my life and continue to change it. I love the weekly focus and challenges I have. I am more productive at work as a result. I am also transforming to a greater and more grounded person in my own eyes.

Above and beyond all, you have shown me the path to unconditional love and it is amazing to be able to say how much I love the work we do together, and you do with others.  Most important to me, it is amazing to know that I have someone I hold in such high regard in my life who supports be to reach my true potential.

Andy Smith 

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